Photo and poetry challenge – update

Monday, 21 October 2013

The photo and poetry challenge is attracting a great deal of interest and support so a BIG THANK YOU if you have taken part either by submitting poems or sending in votes.

I always take on board comments that come in if I think they are making a good point and so there will be a couple of amendments to the publication and voting for week 2 accordingly.

  • If we get more than ten poems submitted I will draw up a shortlist and just publish ten poems online. Poets with a poem selected will be informed and will (as this week) be ineligible to vote)
  • The selection up for voting will be anonymous – I will add names to the post afterwards so that they can remain online, read and enjoyed and also be attributed.
  • As feedback is great for poets you can send some in with your vote if you want to – but just your vote is fine.
  • Poets with a poem in the selection can comment on the work of others but not vote.

Sue, 21st October 2013