London Stories by Anna Maria Mickiewicz

Thursday, 8 September 2022





London Stories by Anna Maria Mickiewicz ISBN: 978-1-909404-50-2



‘ A new time has arrived with crystal tears.’ 

Anna Maria Mickiewicz is an exciting poet who continues the great tradition of Polish literature that questions daily life in a photographic, almost surgical detail, as if seeing the world for the first time. Her writing contains a restless inner voice and questioning of society and, ultimately, of what it is to be human.


Interesting ideas here that are very reminiscent of the highly influential Imagist movement of the early 20th Century. Have a look at the Imagist and Surrealist Anthologies published by Penguin Books. Imagism, in turn, was very influenced by Japanese classical poetry. You have talent. Stick at it…


             Michael Brett

                                                                                         Enfield Poets



Sample poem:

Chestnuts Park



Ice crackles under my feet

I break up the panes of ice.

Birds can hear my every step,

Announcing the News to the world


It is getting cold,

It is time to return.


I have walked down this path once already,

Wild cherries were maroon,

They melted under my feet.

They drowned in the juicy syrup,

Leaving footprints.


Hidden corners awaken by the sun.


It was hot,

It was time to return.