Fingerprints by Hannah Teasdale

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Moving and exceptionally clear images that I shall enjoy revisiting.


Hannah’s vivid and visceral poems give us images we resonate with; the Stannah stairlift, sunlit track, open buttercup. This focus takes us to the heart of her compassionate clarity and witty reflections amid the emotional    turmoil of a life well lived.

Morag Kiziewicz

Fingerprints an apt name for this collection, which leaves behind traces of the author’s journey through childhood memories that stick grittily to the imagination and tentative hands that reach out to feel the blank walls of time passing. Reading Fingerprints is a visceral experience, in which the reader finds themselves in an Alice-in Wonderland world swinging between being small, yet responsible, to being fully-developed, but experiencing the unfulfilled gaps in growth and      wondering how to grasp life with both hands.


Claire Williamson



ISBN: 978-1-909404-17-5 £4